120311 - Asian American Film Festival at SF Japantown

Sunday, March 11, 2012

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Wong Fu Pro's Wes tweeted about it this morning and I nearly freaked out because it's jtown. I'm there quite often and I wanted to see Wong Fu Pro super badly. Admission was free so I asked my mom and we later went!

Hotel Kabuki is NICE. I've never been in there before (and of course for good reason because why would I need to go into a hotel there anyway lmfao) but there was a staff member near the front and he directed me where to go. I wrote my name on the paper (even though I was already RSVP-ed for two) and walked in. The setup was very similar to that of a church meeting of our's, with seats facing toward the center of the room and two mics set up on both sides.

I couldn't see any open chairs that were together but later on two people walked out and my mom and I took their spots. I looked to my left, diagonally, and then nearly gasped because seated in the front row of the left side was none other than Phil, Wes, and Ted - WONG FU PRODUCTIONS! Omg I was freaking out seeing them in person. I was thinking, "I'm in the same room as Wong Fu omg they're right there IN THE FLESH flajsdlkfasdF". I wanted to snap a photo since I had a really good angle/view of them but I didn't want to look like a stupid teenager who just came to see some youtube celebrities (even if that is who I really am OTL. H-Hey I did enjoy the speakings!).

They went up to speak third. Haha typical Wong Fu humor/personalities. :) They said they weren't very good public speakers and Ted (whose hair is so grey, it's shocking) sat down because he wasn't speaking at first haha. I recorded the audio feed on my iPod. They talked about how "Wong Fu Productions" all started and how they've evolved and expanded over the many years they've been together.

After they finished speaking, Wes and Ted returned to their seats while Phil went to the other side and crouched down behind the chair of Christine Chen while he talked to her. I've seen her in some of their videos before! Then later I noticed Chris Nyugen also :)

Finally it was break time! Immediately hords of teenage girls like me appeared and were discussing whether to to approach them or not. "Wes is talking to people!" one said. Then one girl went up to Phil and they took a photo together. falsjdf I'm jealous cause they talked a little bit. More and more girls arrived but Phil then went off to talk to some people and I never got a photo with him :( Some took photos with Wes but then he too went to chat with some people and I was like flajsldkf noooooooo.

Just as Ted was about to stop I asked if I could take a photo with him and he said sure. Since I was all alone I had to ask a random girl if she could take it for me and she was like "sure......." Ted's cute :) He seems to be the quiet type though haha. After he was done with photos he walked right past me to get some food and omg, shivers.

Some girls asked Christine for a photo and she seemed so surprised haha "ME? Are you sure you want me??" I didn't really know who she was but she's super nice! When I took a photo for these girls she told me "Your camera is so cute!" hehe. :)

But before I could take a picture with her Wes turned around and we immediately asked him. One of the girls was wearing a Nice Guys tee and he said "Nice shirt" haha. He asked if we were all friends and I said no... so he did the individual photos with us. :) flakjsdf he put his arm around me and I was thinking "OMG CAN HE FEEL MY FAST HEARTBEAT THROUGH MY ARM" lol I was spazzing out. Thanked him and left. :)

I really wish I asked Chris for a photo! NO one went up to him D: I would've if the break time hadn't ended and I had to go like 10 minutes later.

It was SO COOL seeing them in person though. Gah I wish I could've actually talked to them though. That's my only regret!